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Assistant General Secartary of Thamar University attends the launch of the youth initiative in Dhamar City

شارك اليوم الأمين العام المساعد بجامعة ذمار مشعل شرهان في حملة النظافة التي دشنها محافظ ذمار محمد البخيتي ضمن المبادرة الشبابية "ذمار مدينة نظيفة"، والتي تنفذها لجنة شباب ذمار مع صندوق النظافة والتحسين.

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Aldhomrani as a consultant to the Rector of Thamar University

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Almoushki as a consultant to the Rector of Thamar University.

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In the presence of Minister Hazeb and Governor Al-Bukhaiti An expanded meeting of Thamar University Concil

Under the chairmanship of the Minister of Higher Education, Mr. Hussein Hazeb, an expanded meeting was held today in the presence of the Governor of Dhamar City Mohammed Nasser Al-Bukhaiti, the Rector of Thamar University, Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, and the University Council, to discuss the ways of supporting the University and overcome the difficulties it faces and discuss aspects of cooperation between the local Authority and the University. In his speech, Th Minister of Higher Education Mr. Hussein praised the efforts of Thamar University all over the Ministry and the Government, pointing out that the University and the Political leadership have reconciled with Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, who will push the university forward and return its luster and glow. He added that we cannot say that Thamar University comes after Sana'a University, we consider it parallel to Sana'a University in all fields, and Thamar University is candidate to be one of the Universities that will get the accreditation to reflect the beautiful face of Higher Education. The Minister blessed the harmony of the University leadership with the leadership of the Local Authority in the governorate, hoping from the Governor of Dhamar City to support him and support the University. He continued with refers to salaries, I have developed a draft in the House of Representatives for salaries for the whole country, which is under study, and workshops have been held for this purpose, and salary remains a constitutional right that must considered.

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Thamar University participates in the Sustainable Development Conference in Albayda City.


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