The University Personnel Affairs Committee holds its second meeting for the year 1445. Thamar University Media / Jamal Al-Bahri / August 28, 2023 ■ The Personnel Affairs Committee held today its second periodic meeting for the year 1445 chaired by Dr. Mohammed Hutram, The General Secartary of the University. The committee discussed the topics on its agenda and approved referring them to the competent departments and committees. At the meeting, the General Secartary of the University stressed the need to hold meetings of the Personnel Affairs Committee on time without delay, to approve the topics on its agenda first. The meeting was attended by Abdulmajeed Al-Adroei, The General Secartary Assistant for Human Resources, The Representative of the Employees Union Abdulkafi Hamzah , The General Director of Personnel Affairs, The General Director of Legal Affairs, The General Director of Financial Affairs, The General Director of Media, and The Director of Personnel Affairs at Alwhidah Educational University hospital in Ma'abar. https://www.tu.edu.ye/page/view/1/2173