The Rector of the University participates in the launch of a training course for administrative cadres in the field of developing services and simplifying procedures with


The Rector of the University participates in the launch of a training course for administrative cadres in the field of developing services and simplifying procedures with

Thamar University Media / Amin Al-Nahmi / Rajab 2, 1445. January 13, 2024

■ The Rector of Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Al-Haifi participated today in the inauguration of the Administrative Training Program in the field of service development and simplification of procedures, the code of Professional Conduct, and work ethics for employees of administrative units in Dhamar.

The program, implemented by the Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance and the Local Authority in the Governorate in coordination with the National Institute of Administrative Sciences aims to provide 120 trainees from 12 administrative units in the governorate over ten days, skills and knowledge related to performance development and the application of the code of professional conduct with the participation of the General Secartary of the University, Dr. Mohammed Hutram.

At the opening ceremony, the Rector of Thamar University, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Haifi, praised the achievements made by the Ministry of Civil Service, foremost of which are the code of professional conduct, the manual on simplifying procedures, as well as the manuals and standard systems for Public Service Units and the completion of personnel transactions in record time.

The Rector of the University expressed his hope that the participants would benefit from the course programs, enabling them to apply what they received in the field of work.

Mr. Abdullah Haider, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Civil Service and Insurance for the Control and Inspection Sector, pointed out the importance of training programs in the Development of Government services, simplifying procedures and will contribute to the development of the management system and addressing imbalances.

He pointed out that the process of developing job performance comes as a translation of the directives of the revolutionary leadership the Supreme Political Council.

He explained that the implementation of this national program has become a popular demand to reduce red tape in institutions.

From his part, the Undersecretary of Dhamar Governorate, Mahmoud Al-Jabeen, stressed the importance of the success of the program and its translation on the reality of administrative work, in a way that contributes to facilitating the procedures for obtaining services.

He praised the role of the Civil Service Office in the Governorate, the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority, and the National Institute of Administrative Sciences in implementing the programs.

He pointed out the importance of the participants' commitment to the dates of training, and the use of skills and knowledge to develop job performance.

From his part, the hlHead of the Prevention Department at the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority, Azal Abdullah Hashim, stressed that the program will be applied permanently as one of the most important steps to combat corruption, considering that the lengthening of Administrative procedures is one of the factors of corruption.

He stressed that the program is a strategic project that the Government and the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority are seeking to implement in various state institutions.

From his part, the Director of the Civil Service and Insurance Office in the Governorate, Mr. Essam Al-Omaisi, explained that the program targets 120 trainees from the Judiciary, Local Authority Offices, Thamar University, Al-Darb Community College, the General Authority for Agricultural Research and Extension, Thamar General Hospital Authority, Hygiene and Improvement Funds in Dhamar and Maabar, the General Company for Potato Seed Production, the General Organization for the Propagation of Improved Seeds, the Center for Monitoring and Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, and Alwihdah University Educational unit Hospital in Maabar City.