Faculty Dean's Speech
University. I hope you will find it useful to get some information about the many activities and developments that are taking place in our institution. Last couple of years has been very rich with many ambitious projects and developments that have kept us all excited and busy. On the academic front, major reform has taken place in our curriculum in order to align our program with the new medical education standards. Our curriculum has moved from traditional teaching to a student centered, integrated, system based learning. In addition, a fully equipped skills lab has been integrated in the curriculum in addition to a simulated patient program. Moreover, a powerful learning management and e-learning system is about to be launched. In the last years, our students have been in the center of all our activities. They have played an integral part in most educational and community based projects. They have arranged many very successful public campaigns that attracted the eyes of the local and regional communities. Our postgraduate programs continue to grow rapidly reaching more than 40 this year. These programs are now attracting international trainees. The college continues to be the major contributor in biomedical research in the county and region according to many research agencies. Through motivation and dedication of our local research stars and through collaboration with world authorities through the twinning program and research chairs, we are expecting a very prosperous years to come in terms of significant scientific contributions that will help the humanity. We continue to deliver high quality companionate health care to all Saudis through more than 1000 bed facilities in King Khalid university Hospital and King AbdulAzeez University Hospital. Many outstanding medical services have been established in these facilities for the first time in the Middle East. With our well trained medical staff graduating from our college and training in world top universities and medical centers, we are extremely proud to be a major contributor of health تُعتبر كلية علوم الحاسوب ونظم المعلومات من أقدم كليات الحاسبات في الجمهورية اليمنية ، وقد أنشئت بناءً على قرار جمهوري رقم 7/ ب/5538 وتاريخ 20/4/1418هـ، وقد بدأت كلية الحاسبات بقسمين علميين هما: قسم تقنية المعلومات, وقسم علوم الحاسوب، وبعد سنة من التأسيس والذي أصبح فيما بعد كلية مستقلة، وتقدم عدد من برامج البكالوريوس والماجستير وفي القريب العاجل تقدم عدد من الدبلومات المتخصصة،وبناء على قرار معالي مدير الجامعة ، تم دمج كلية العلوم التطبيقية مع كلية العلوم عام 1434/1435هـ، وتحرص كلية العلوم على استقطاب أفضل الطلبة و النخبة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس والباحثين المتميزين، وتوفر لهم بيئة دراسية وبحثية محفـزة للتعـلم والتطور الذاتي والإبداع، كما تشهد الكلية نموًّا مطردًا في المجالات الأكاديمية والعلمية ، وتطويرًا مُستمرا للخطط الدراسية , وارتقاء بمستوى البحث العلمي في إطار نظرة علمية واعية، وتدعيمه من قبل أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية، وإرساء قواعده وأصوله لدى طلبة الكلية، وتطمح الكلية في رؤيتها إلى تحقيق الريادة بين كليات الجامعة , بمواكبة التطورات على مستوى العالم ، وتُقدم في أقسامها المختلفة برامج متميزة وذات جودة عالية , لإعداد كفاءات متميزة بالعطاء والإبداع في مجالات التخصص , تلبي مُخرجاتها سوق العمل , وتمده بكوادر مزودة بمستويات مهارية متميزة , لتأصيل مهمتها الراسخة في إعداد الخريجين المتميزين ، الذين سيسهمون في تقدم جامعتهم ووطنهم بطرق إيجابية وفاعلة ، كما تسعى الكلية في بناء شراكات مُجتمعية مُتميزة , والاتجاه إلى الجودة وتحقيق الاعتماد الأكاديمي ، ولا يفوتني هنا أن أتوجه بالشكر والتقدير لمعالي وزير التعليم, ولمعالي مدير الجامعة , الذين لم يدخرا وسعا في تقديم كل مامن شأنه دفع مسيرة الكلية وتنميتها وتطويرها , بما يصب في مصلحة دعم وتنمية التعليم العالي بوطننا الحبيب ،نسال الله عزوجل أن يوفقنا لخدمة وبناء جامعتنا ووطننا وأن يجعل أعمالنا خالصة لوجهه الكريم.
University. I hope you will find it useful to get some information about the many activities and developments that are taking place in our institution. Last couple of years has been very rich with many ambitious projects and developments that have kept us all excited and busy. On the academic front, major reform has taken place in our curriculum in order to align our program with the new medical education standards. Our curriculum has moved from traditional teaching to a student centered, integrated, system based learning. In addition, a fully equipped skills lab has been integrated in the curriculum in addition to a simulated patient program. Moreover, a powerful learning management and e-learning system is about to be launched. In the last years, our students have been in the center of all our activities. They have played an integral part in most educational and community based projects. They have arranged many very successful public campaigns that attracted the eyes of the local and regional communities. Our postgraduate programs continue to grow rapidly reaching more than 40 this year. These programs are now attracting international trainees. The college continues to be the major contributor in biomedical research in the county and region according to many research agencies. Through motivation and dedication of our local research stars and through collaboration with world authorities through the twinning program and research chairs, we are expecting a very prosperous years to come in terms of significant scientific contributions that will help the humanity. We continue to deliver high quality companionate health care to all Saudis through more than 1000 bed facilities in King Khalid university Hospital and King AbdulAzeez University Hospital. Many outstanding medical services have been established in these facilities for the first time in the Middle East. With our well trained medical staff graduating from our college and training in world top universities and medical centers, we are extremely proud to be a major contributor of health